Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sorry, I havent been posting for a certain reason...

Well, it time to catch up with the new so here I go!

Ok I finally got the funkiki island adventure pack!
so that means i have an out of date funkey family photo!lol
I will fix the banner and do the new ones i got but I probally wont do another photo one until we move on june 1st or sumthin like that....
Yeah, thats right im moving!I think it will be in the same state as Shel2 but idk!It will be in Flo-Rida!But im not gonna say where.
Speaking of shel2 I can make you one of the funkey banners and I can make other people some to but you have to leave a comment:)

Also, Bones111 wanted me to post the link for his video on youtube but I cant find it if he could show me the link i would be delighted to post it!


bones111 said...

Ok.Here is the link This is not the best one on youtube but it is my favorte video that I made.

Bn28 said...

Ok i will post it as soon as possible!

Shel2 said...


Bn28 said...

So, do you live there or...